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Justice will prevail

Faith Fellowship Church?PO Box 1586?Broken Arrow, OK 74013?Pastor Terry Dashner

Consider this?

When I applied for law enforcement many years ago, I was tested, evaluated, questioned, and grilled regarding whether or not I could use lethal force against another human being. I find it curious that it was assumed and not questioned when I entered the service at the age of 18 that I would have no problem whatsoever using lethal force against an enemy of the state. Not one brass official asked me whether or not I objected to carrying a .45 pistol or an M-16 Rifle, not to mention using one or the other against another human being. It was assumed I could do so because it was my duty as an American citizen.

Is there a double standard in this country?

We condemn a murderer to the death chamber, only to have him stay on death roll for years while waiting for his appeals to run out, all at the tax payer's expense.

If that's not crazy enough, we are constantly harassed by human rights groups telling us how evil we Americans are for administering capital punishment. I don't get it. We have no problem asking 19 year olds to lay down their lives for their country.

But we protect the rights of the convicted. For example, how many names of young Americans who have died in Iraq can you name? Probably not many, right? But Scott Peterson you know because of the media love affair with his trial. Something is wrong.

May I ask you a question?

Would the death of Jesus have purchased our redemption if He had chosen life in prison over capital punishment? This begs the question: Can honor be associated with death? I believe it can.

Jesus said that there was no greater love than this that a man would lay down his life for a friend. Yes, it is tragic to hear of young soldiers dying, but they died with honor for a great nation?America. The tragedy of death is not that a young person dies. Young people die every day in America just like older people. The tragedy is that many people die without honor. Gangsters die for turf.

Addicts die for one more high. But soldiers die for you and me.

What I believe.

I believe in God, country, and family. Each is sacred. Each must be preserved at all costs.

To announce that God is dead is to kill the soul. To say that our country is misguided is to cop out. To destroy the family is to weaken society beyond repair.

I believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, and His Holy Spirit. I believe that America will live or die by its relationship to the Father in Heaven above. Spiritual awakening is imperative.

I believe the restoration of the family unit through faith in Jesus Christ can change every institution in this great land?the first being the local church body of Jesus Christ.

I believe in law and God's order?The condemned must accept their fate and lay down their life for their victim's sake. Young or old, men and women must continue to lay down their lives for the good of community (law enforcement, fire fighters, first responders, etc.

), state (National Guard), and nation (military and public service). This is the way of civilization. This is the American way?to seek out honor at all costs, even if it cost my life.


Keep the faith. Justice will prevail!

. About the Author .

writes American history articles that showcase our Christian heritage (918-451-0270).

By: Terry L. Dashner

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